supposedly, I should write about da tags yang diberi oleh my friends Teha and pengGaris Addict dimana both adelah contest belog. I suke masuk contest belog ni, I suka menang hadiah... tapi selalunye I malas..hihi
me and ma fren yo.... tapi 4 je..patutnye 6..sorang photographer (thanks dena!) sorang tolong jaga rumah dari dimasuki pencuri..hihi (thanks ogy! =P)..teka mane 1 teha? teka la teka la....
ni pengGaris friend since sekola rendah..dulu kecik je die ni..hehe
anyhow, I just realized , I tak banyak tulis anything useful I think a bit of critical thinking wouldn't hurt anyone.
so..makanan untuk fikiran hari ini.......
everybody has their own weaknesses. sangat cliche kan ayat ni? tapi ayat yang cliche ni la yang kite selalu overlook, kita selalu terlepas pandang and always forget. I tried to remind myself of the fact, but of the time, I myself forget about it.
Its very easy for us to exaggerate other people's weaknesses, and its very hard for us to see our own. cliche lagi? let it be a reminder for us all. When kita gossip about other people, when we make fun of other people's weaknesses even dalam nada gurau pun, bear this in mind. Any sorts of gurauan is fine and hilarious, but it will be dangerous jika terlebih dosage. Macam ubatlah kan..ubat tu bagus, but kalau terlebih, boleh ting tong. kadang-kadang I pun tergurau terlebey suda... ...I am so sorry my friends. tapi tulah...everybody make mistakes kan...cliche lagi. apa-apa pun. meh I cerita 1 kisah dongeng sebagai tauladan.
once upon a time far far away,
ko ni gemoklah...ahahahah!....(gelak ramai-ramai sekarang)
the next day...
ko ni nape makan bnyak sangat, diet lah sikit muahihihihiihi!! ( gelak ramai-ramai lagi)
selepas jutaan kali gurauan yang sama ...
badan ko besar sangat..sebb tu tak muat.............hahahaha!! ( gelak besa punya....but, do you realize...that 1 person either senyap..or just smile bitterly?)
but I wonder.....why do we enjoy talking about other weaknesses so much? frankly..I tak tahu..maybe kita rasa lebih secure when we feel that ada orang yang lagi teruk dari diri kita? or maybe kita nak tutup our own weaknesses by talking about other?so.... what do you think? food for thought ye everyone. nom nom nom......
apa-apa pun...CHEERS!
i feel bad when letting ppl down. haha.. certain ppl. ko wt bek nga aku, ak wt bek kt ko! senang!
likes teha's comment. make fun kt org mmg bes tp kalau kena muka sdri baru tahu. bese nye org down kn org sbb nk gain confident diri sdri kot. tp sy lebih suke kutuk secara monolog. haha! byk nk kena improve diri sdri ni :(
teha : i agree.. berbaiklah kite sesame manusia.
dena :sy pn suke kutuk snyap2..hihi...jht btul ish ish ish
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