Monday, August 2, 2010


*eyh cam kenal je yang pakai tudung itam senyum terlebey tu*

do you see my picture there? actually I manage to become one of the top 8 in a contest called Senyuman Menawan..*chewah* just playing around actually since I really have nothing to do during this veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyy long holiday.

I didn't win it though...but I am pretty pleased with myself.Being the top 8 among 59 contestants is enough for me.....well....of course winning is better ....... =) jangan tipu...... i mean...who really enters any contest and expect to lost.

the pretty girl in the second row...... second last her yet? she won it. she got the sweetest smile...very very nice set of teeth so macam mane la orang gigi berterabur ni nak compete kn?

so here I am today..asking Mr Tigeria ...sape senyum menawan rul? haaaa..............jawapan mestilah jujur dari hati dan sanubari yang ikhlas lagi suci dalam debu.

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