Konnichiwa minna san...watashi no namae wa Nur Amira desu!
from that extract....*chewah, macam exam question*, can you guess where the heck will my dream destination be?
tut..tut...tut....tut...tuttttttttttttt!!!!!! times up...its the magnificent JAPAN! Im like dying to go there since I was 12 years old, blame it all to the cute anime who speaks Japanese cutely and wears those cute Harajuku stuff. but of course, it requires a generous amount of $$$$$$.....sigh~
so, since I was 12, i have been practicing to speak in Japanese in order to achieve that goal so that I can communicate with Cardcaptor Sakura fluently. *dream on* I even did revision every single day by watching the anime 24/7 non stop on Animax. just imagine how determine I was!

yummy yummy yummy~~~

yummy yummy yummy~~~
and owh! did I mention that i am a sushi addict? *ask Mr Tigeria who always had to belanja me Sushi King* that adds to the fact that there is a chemistry between me and JAPAN..as if we were meant to meet... I simply love every single thing about JAPAN. by hook or by crook, one day, i hope i can set my two feet there, (also my body my luggage la...) Cardcaptor Sakura chan, wait for me!!
Mata ashta minna san!
aloLo..maO pergi jaPAn ke..ngatkan muKA arab maO pergi aRab..ngee~
saya tgh menabung
teringin nak pergi Greek islands
hi mira...bagsu2 ada cita2...mmg best tau g jepun...tp time tu sakura xbebunga huhuhu jgn lupa g disneyland gak..sgt seronok...kalau mira jenis suka anime, jgn lupa g kat bandar dia..mmg giler lah huhu
shoutmix kamo ade masalah, so ak komen kt cni..klu bnyk duit aku nk p smua tempat kecuali Israel..huhu
nk ikotttt hikihikhik
nanti akak gerak jepon saye nak join sepayung okee? ;)
norfa : hehe..nk jmpe orang cute miut kt ctu
yott : hehehe..gud luck!
farahfatihah : da pnh pegi ye? mst best kan...nk pg harajuku street!
fiz mr.beloved: ade masalh? rasenye ok je....blogger len bley je komen kt chatbox...mybe da ditakdirkan bg komen kot.hihi
wanie : jom2!
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