as I said earlier in my previous post.... I will be going to the Gatsby fair with Mr Tigeria. and I did!
however, we got there a bit decided to camwhore a lil..hihihi...
Mr Tigeria yang sengal!
then, at about 10 am, we went to the registration booth. it was crowded with bloggers! bloggers bloggers and bloggers in front of me..behind to me...they were everywhere!

guess which is me?

see me yet?? im surrounded with bloggers!

fun games!

bloggers have to wear the t-shirt given in order to play games..

more games!!

my favourite..i wonder how good must it feel being able to hit someone with that...

this is how 400 bloggers+ 400 bloggers' friends look like...and owh! there's rock climbing too..

btw...thanks for the freebies nuffnang and gatsby!
guess which is me?
see me yet?? im surrounded with bloggers!
there were lots of games..but unfortunately Mr Tigeria got an errand to attend...we didn't have da chance to play the games..
fun games!
bloggers have to wear the t-shirt given in order to play games..
more games!!
my favourite..i wonder how good must it feel being able to hit someone with that...
this is how 400 bloggers+ 400 bloggers' friends look like...and owh! there's rock climbing too..
btw...thanks for the freebies nuffnang and gatsby!
wah, awalnya da update pasal gatsby fair ni...x dpt pegi lah...huhuhu...ramai ye org kat sana?
macam menarik jerk g sana...
waaa bestnyer pegi. nyesal lak tak join T__T
where that event happen?
Waaaa....bez3.kalu dekat memang nak g jugak.huhuu..tapi jaoh
qelissa : hehe...mybe terover excited..
mawaddah : menarik!! hehehe
mysarah : xpe2... len kali mst ade lg..
aqamz : berjaya time square!
kachang dewa : too bad...mybe next time diowg buat dekat tmpt u jgk =)
wah bestnye..happening gak ye ;p
rugi tak pegi ;p
miss tora : sesal kemudian..tidak bergune..hehe..
saye xdpt pon invitation tuh :(
tapi mr.tigeria memang sengal bile kala melihat picture nye
haha ;)
wah, mesti best.,...
urmm jeles.. :(
haha...sonok giler kan? next tim nye gathering, leh jumpe ko..:)
nk join lom jodoh kot....mmg nmpak besh..hee
xperasan punnnn
sebok main ja huhu
encik tikus : xpe...byk peluang len lg..tgguu~~~
azham : best, but unfortunately x smpat men =(
dahlia : jgn jeles~~
darkbatman : sy nmpak anda!
rizal : blom kalo da jodo..x kemane ye x?
laila : hehe..excited sgt men ea?
sgt best..
np skejap je g?
banyak ke borong gel ngan wax rambut? :p
i demam :(
fifi : mr tigeria ade tournament golf pada hari yg same...=(
aidi safuan : haha...nil!
sasha : owh....kesian you..get well soon!
seronok jea all bloggers get together...
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